Strategic Research Builds Evidence Base
CSISA has focused its strategic research on sustainable intensification to inform and improve labor-, energy- and water- saving conservation agriculture practices and crop diversification.
Conducted at two platform sites in India representing distinct agro-ecologies: Karnal, Haryana and Patna, Bihar, these on-farm and on-station research results have significantly influenced CSISA’s outreach to farmers over the past three years.
- Kharif Maize has been demonstrated to be a more suitable and profitable alternative to rice in the rainy season in northwest India to address the issues of rising scarcity of water, labor and energy in the region.
- Mustard is a viable third crop option for diversification in the Rabi season in eastern India, which also allows 300 percent cropping intensity as spring season maize can be planted after the mustard harvest.
- As part of the sustainable intensification effort, short duration rice hybrids followed by long duration wheat led to higher system productivity and also acts as a guard against climate change. It enables system intensification of 200% (in rice-wheat) and 300% (in rice-mustard-spring maize or mung bean).
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Written and edited by: Anuradha Dhar, Ashwamegh Banerjee and Cynthia Mathys. Photo credits: Ashwamegh Banerjee, Srikanth Kolari, Vinaynath Reddy, Satish Kumar, Suryakanta Khandai and Wasim Iftikar. Copyright © the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), 2015. All rights reserved. Any opinions, boundaries and names stated herein are those of the authors and are not necessarily representative of or endorsed by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) or its partner organizations. Fair use of this material is encouraged. Proper citation is requested.