JustGiveMeFive We are cool...who needs a tagline!

Hello people!!!

Welcome to JustGiveMeFive! We are a team of crazy bloggerswho want to entertain y'all by sharing some moments where we were trolled by life...eh! It isnt always pretty you see ;)

Just a warning guys...dont be very serious while reading them..its all in light moos...just to male you laugh a little!

Well...lets be serious guys...noone really gives sh*t about introduction...so.. GO GO GO !!! Have a look at out blogs \m/

We are awesome!

Oopsie...you are not supposed to accept it openly ;) why dont we give you a chance to know us and judge for yourselves! We are a combination of different types of people from all over the world..but we have one thing in commn..we wanna entertain you! Cheers man!


The cool guy of our team. He is the one who collects data, researches about what you guys really wanna see..what will make you smile amidst the hectic schedule of school or college!


Now, lets introduce the ladies of the club <3

First we have the calm and composed organizer, Tam. She is responsible to coordinate with everyone and get things together.. Well to be honest she is the one who controls us when we get too excited!


And thats our crazy creative girl, Yiwen, who finds innovative ways to make stuff found by Eli, interesting!


And last, but as they say, not the least, the nerdy tech girl, who embeds the fun part with the technical part! We have Kanika for this!
So...dont ignore us! Guve us a chance to you happy and you wont regret it!
Created with images by Sam Howzit - "Awesome" • kevin dooley - "Christmas #26" • moonlightbulb - "A Street Called Awesome" • Radoan_tanvir - "boy flying happy boy amazing boy awesome" • kevin dooley - "Christmas #9: Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants" • shaire productions - "Pink Chiffon Fabric" • tatlin - "cloud clouds sky"

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