KILLA NEWSLETTA Volume 1, Issue 1: January 16, 2016

The Killa News!


CAT & MOUSE: Written by John Lepper and Alan Dillingham; Directed by Alan Dillingham; Executive Producers: Alan Dillingham, John Lepper, and Juliano Angeliano

Cat and Mouse is a horror/thriller that is part of an anthology of films called “Killer Shades.” This short film stars James Paine and Stephen Bernard as two robbery experts who break into the house of what they assumed would be an easy target. It turns out that the homeowner, played by David Shaffer, is going to give them much more than they bargained for. Things quickly go from bad to worse as the intruders learn they made a terrible mistake.

The art department, headed by Lincoln Millett, did a fantastic job of not only creating some very creepy sets, but in supplying some incredibly gory special effects. Mark Bedell was our stunt coordinator; because of Mark’s expert leadership we were able to throw a stuntman out of a second story window, down a flight of stairs, and over a rail. New at the helm of principle photography was Toby Bonney, our director of photographer for this project. Toby has worked with Killatainment Films for a few years and has always delivers top-notch video.

BAD KID: Written and Directed by P. Seth Roberts; Producers: PSR Images, Freight Train Films, Killatainment Films, P. Seth Roberts, Bill McLean, and Alan Dillingham

Bad Kid is a drama/thriller starring Bill McLean, Juliana Spier, Nikolas Whittemore, and Deidre Sachs. It is the story of a young girl who becomes an orphan due to a horrific tragedy. She is forced to grow up within the foster care system. Bitter and angry, she gets into trouble and is labelled a bad kid. Just when things start to look better, they quickly grow very dark as Izzy (Deidre Sachs) is confronted with the cause of all her pain.While the context of the story is fictionalized, Izzy was based on the writer’s experience while he was placed within the foster care system.

Tiffany McLean took the helm in editing Bad Kid. Her understanding of the power of story-telling has made Bad Kid the absolute best that it can be. Sound engineer Ronney Clement finished the audio track of the film, rendering it in 5.1 surround, and cleaning the audio. Rhad Davis composed original content for the soundtrack of the film, and also wrote the theme song, “Bad Kid.”


THOSE WE LEAVE BEHIND: Written by P. Seth Roberts and Nick Salve; Directed by P. Seth Roberts; Executive Producer Alan Dillingham

Those We Leave Behind is a dramatic story about a family that suffers the loss of its husband/father, who commits suicide after returning home from the war. Overcome by his PTSD, Richard takes his life, leaving behind a wife and daughter who must somehow hold the shattered pieces of their lives together and move on. For Richard, it is the end, but for those he left behind, his death is just the beginning.

This story is very personal to the writer of the film: having lost four of his dear friends and fellow soldiers to suicide, each with a family of their own, he saw firsthand the devastation that such a choice causes to those who have lost their loved ones to such a tragedy. This story is our way of reaching out to soldiers who are contemplating suicide, and of sharing hope with families already affected by the aftermath of war.

Our director, P. Seth Roberts, served in the United States Army, and toured in Iraq; our Casting Director, Bill McLean, served in the United States Airforce; and our Producer, Alan Dillingham, served in the United States Navy.

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Created By
Tiffany Howcroft

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