The Mist Trail A Sierra REC Day Trip Adventure

The Mist Trail in Yosemite National Park is one of the most visited trails in the park. It provides breathtaking photo opps, and a physical challenge to many visitors daily. This is a photo set from our Visit to Vernal Falls and Nevada Falls Spring 2015.

Vernal Falls - The climb is challenging but the undiscovered beauty that is found with each additional step is truly special
Vernal Falls and the Mist Trail provide an iconic National Park Experience. The Climb will challenge most visitors, but with each step the trail and the waterfall provide a new "Epic" view that has your begging for more.
Nevada Falls beckons you onward after reaching the top of Vernal Falls.
Tired Bodies will beg to turn around once you reach the top of Vernal Falls. But pushing on to Nevada Falls is an absolute must do on your visit on the Mist Trail.
AS you start your ascent up Nevada Fall, quick peek back lets you start to realize the views that are to come.
The Top of Nevada Fall gives you a great Wilderness feeling
The View is a Yosemite Classic
Have you ever peeked over a waterfall?
Safe Photo opps over Nevada Fall. (There is a fence so you dont fall off)
This is a low water year. But falling into this water would be devestating
Nevada Falls in Yosemite National Parks was one of my favorites all time.
Final Peeks at the two waterfalls as we head back to Yosemite Valley provide some of our favorite shots.

Yosemite National Park is such a treat to visit. Every trip provides its own wonder and excitement. This was an epic day trip for us at Sierra REC. Easy to see why the Mist Trail and the two waterfalls (Vernal and Nevada) are so visited.

We will return on a heavy snow year to see the difference in water flow over the waterfalls and cant wait to see what Yosemite National Park has to offer on our next visit.

Created By
charlie pankey
All Photos Courtesy of Charlie Pankey - Publisher Sierra REC Magazine

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