The Art of Outfits How to dress like well-behaved person

Why I started this blog?

(And why YOU should reading it)

Beautiful, isn't it?

Look at him. He is a typical english gentleman. Bespoke suit from high quality wool, hand made leather shoes, high socks which matches suit and beautiful shirt and tie. My eye is very pleased with this photo, every time. It's very traditional.

But our world seems a little bit different now. How? Well... this!

And I DO NOT like it. Not at all. Our behave changed. Clothes too. We aren't wearing suits anymore. We aren't wearing hats anymore (except ugly baseball caps). We aren't wearing ties anymore. And do you know what is even worse? Very often we don't know how to dress for different kind of occasions.

Same clothes for job interview, beer with friends and family trip.

I am a gentleman, and I don't need wear a suit or nice shoes for being one.

Yes, you can call me hypocrite or naive. I'm used to it. And you are right. You do not need clothes for being a good person. But there is one big BUT.

Knowing, how to dress one of the most important thing that gentleman should know.

It's a sign that we are well-behaved. So you never can be a gentleman IF you don't know how to dress.

Of course, not everyone knows how to dress.

But from now, it's my turn.

This is my blog.

I will teach you HOW to dress properly for different occasions. All you need to do. Is sit down and enjoy the ride.

White trousers
Summer suiting
Á la campagne

In case of every thought that crossed your mind, do not hesitate to contact me:

Tom Ford, Gieves & Hawkes, The Art of Outfits

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