Catching Road Fever with the Bahamas Masqueraders At the Inaugural Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival 2015

We couldn't believe our luck when we received an invitation to cover the Bahamas Masqueraders as they joined over twenty bands who jumped in da line for Road Fever at the first ever Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival!

The Bahamas Carnival, held from May 7 - 9, was created in the spirit of Junkanoo, a Bahamian cultural festival that celebrates the nation's vibrant colors, dazzling costumes, energetic dance and irresistible music.

After two days of unforgettable music, food and fun - showcased in main events JunkaMania, Music Masters Concert and Midnight Rush - Road Fever was the phenomenal closing event.

Bahamas Masqueraders Getting ReadyFaDaRoad

For Bahamas Masqueraders (a.k.a. BahMas), five eye-catching sections hit the road to bring their theme, "Masqueraders in Paradise", to life.

Putting on finishing touches before the parade

A pulsating rainbow of red, yellow, blue, green and white - representing Fierce Lion Fish, Bahamas Sunrise, Bahamas Ocean, Majestic Green Parrots and Crown Doves, respectively - took over the streets of Nassau to represent this remarkable Road Fever company.

Bahamas Masqueraders in Action

The Masqueraders in Paradise lead float featured several prominent Bahamian women including First Lady Bernadette Christie, Ann Marie Davis (wife of Deputy Prime Minister of The Bahamas) and Senate President Sharon Wilson.

Bernadette Christie (left), First Lady of The Bahamas, was stunning in a Fierce Lion Fish costume.

Spotlight on:

Fierce Lion Fish Section

With Fierce Lion Fish costume designer David Rolle

Fierce Lion Fish heated up the streets of Nassau

Bahamas Masqueraders: Words Just Don't Do Them Justice.

But we'll throw a few out there anyway.

Let's start with...sizzling!

Majestic and mesmerizing

Bahamas Masqueraders:

Ultra-premium and All-inclusive

Bahamas Masqueraders prided itself in being an "ultra-premium", all-inclusive Road Fever company. Membership was open to anyone with the funds and stamina required to don a costume and "shake up the streets" along the 5.6 mile parade route. To facilitate participation, a budget friendly preferred line was also offered.

All in all, this was a group whose participants were as distinct as their costumes.

Bahamas Masqueraders attracted members from near and far

All-inclusive also described the Bahamas Masqueraders Road Fever Package. Along with their costumes, participants had access to a fully stocked mobile bar (serving alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks), breakfast before the parade, lunch after the parade, mobile restrooms, professionally trained security, on-site paramedics, emergency medical services and staff delivering beverages and snacks to the company's costumed revelers along the entire parade route.

BahMas event staff ensured that the parade would go on!

With such comprehensive inclusions, participants were able to fully immerse themselves in the Road Fever Parade worrie-free.

"Bahamas Masqueraders, if I must dare say so, is the ultra-premium, all-inclusive group. It's definitely the group that anybody that's going to participate in Carnival will want to come and join."
- Dr. Beverton Moxey, co-principal owner, Bahamas Masqueraders

To learn more about the Bahamas Masqueraders Road Fever Package click the following link:

The highly anticipated Road Fever Parade delivered on its promise to wow festivalgoers with a unique and authentic Bahamian Carnival experience.

Miles of Nassau's streets were ablaze with the dazzling colors of parade floats and costumed revelers pounding the pavement to the beat of heart-thumping music.

Capturing the Spirit of Road Fever: Snapshots of Carnival Companies Along the Parade Route

Banner heralding the inaugural Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival 2015
Panoramic view of staging area at Thomas A. Robinson National Stadium
Representing BTC, proud sponsors of Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival
Music on the go
Hundreds of Bahamians and visitors lined the 5.6 mile parade route along the streets of Nassau to catch the inaugural Road Fever parade.
One of our favorite parade floats - it perfectly captured the radiance & energy of carnival

Can you feel the energy?

Representing the vibrant beauty of carnival
jumping, whining and ducking

Bahamas Masqueraders jumping, whining and ducking to the music

Mango Eddie gettin' it in at Road Fever

Bahamas Masqueraders had one goal in mind for the inaugural Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival: to introduce themselves to the world.

While accomplishing this mission, they also took the Bahamas by storm.

For their efforts, they were awarded first place in the carnival parade competition!

For more info on Bahamas Masqueraders and Junkanoo Carnival 2016, check out their websites.

Be sure to include Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival on your list of reasons to visit The Bahamas.

And don't miss the opportunity to join Bahamas Masqueraders for Road Fever 2016.

We'll be there!

Created By
Mango Eddie & Naya Blue
Caribbean Soul Trekkers LLC

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