Paw Town Opening Soon

Paw Town is a brand new pet shop opening soon!

Paw Town has just finished branding some items and now you can see what you will be able to purchase at this Pet Store. These items will vary delending on the animals sold and some of these animals include dogs, cats and snakes. They might be more items branded if the owner of Paw Town gets permission to import a Komodo Dragon.

This is Paw Town's business card. It has all the information you will need if you want to visit the amazing pet store or get in touch with the owner for further information

A dog bowl that could be also used for cats. This bowl would be a good product to buy because it is good quality and it is unique in its own way.

This collar that could be used for any animal because of the quality and it comes in any sizes you can think of. It is a comfortable collar for your pet.

If you come to Paw Town and buy a reptile this is a cage you can also purchase. It is a specially made cage just for reptiles. It is the perfect home for lizards, snakes and any other reptiles you can think of.

Now, this is just one of the many bones you can purchase at Paw Town. You may have noticed that all of the items have the same colour as the logo including this one. The bones are just chewy enough for your dog to eat as a treat.

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