Milton Keynes The Decayed City

What was once a ‘New City’, now appears a faded and decayed city, home to more lifeless housing as opposed to vibrant, natural greenery.

The superficial environment lacks the character the ‘master plan’ once saw as an ideal.

Campbell Park is “closely associated with urban development” and was “designed for more intensive use” — changing seasonally, the parks rigorous activity appeared lost and perished.

The Conniburrow area shows the physical decomposition of the houses that once represented the ‘New City’

From our research dating back to Post-Second World War, our preconceived view of Milton Keynes was altered due to the discovery of a highly corroded, deceased town.

D. Avery - V. Billham - C. Fyson - C. Greco

C. Greco - C. Fyson - V. Billham - D. Avery

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