Is, Was, Is to Come B-Sides

Here in the beginning John's revelation, we are reminded that the dream is about the parallel tracks of heaven and earth, and that whatever is traveling down one will soon intersect with the other. It is, it was, and it will be.
I'll trade a moving sidewalk and airplanes for the promise of no more senseless violence in the name of radicalized religion. I'll walk home, if this is what the future looks like.



1. How do you recognize the tension of the God that is here now, and the God that is coming, both in the world around you, and in yourself?

2. How do we reconcile our present pain with healing?

Hold on to the dream that descended from heaven. The God we worship has given us a glimpse into the heavens through the revelation of John. What we see there is better than what we know now. Go try to dream like John with your eyes wide open, leave them open so that you can see Jesus coming every day like a cloud.

O God, you are the one who is, and who was, and who is to come. You hold all our moments in your hands. Help us to notice you, especially in the dark moments of our days. Help us to rest in you, especially in busy times in our week. Help us to trust you, especially when we feel stretched, anxious, exhausted, and alone.

Thank you for the beautiful souls who will become members this morning through their confirmation. Thank you for the path that you have given to each one of us, especially to these new members.

As we join our paths together here this morning, open our hearts make us sensitive to hear your voice through music, word, and fellowship at your Holy Table; that we would be filled up by your Spirit. Transform us like clay in your hands and mold us into your new creation.

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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