The Best of 2015 A countdown of the most notable Events, Announcements & Trends by Town & Country event rentals

10. The Kick Off - DIRECTV's Super Fan Festival
9. Reaching New Heights - The launch of Latitude 22 Bamboo Lantern Tents
8. A Structured Year - Large-scale events opted for Structure Tents in 2015
7. "Coachella for Adults" - 1st Annual Kaaboo Music Festival in Del Mar, CA
6. Marquee Letters Said it All - Phrases lit in Marquee Lights were an event must-have this year.
5. As Seen In - T&C was featured in countless online and print publications, blogs and photoshoots! Thank you!
4. We're Among the Best! T&C was named the 4th Largest Event Rental Company by Special Events Magazine. Thank you for this honor!
3. Black Board Tables - Our Cielo Blanco Dining Tables took on new look with the addition of black board tops allowing for a unique and fun customized table.
2. Open & Airy - The launch of Sonoma Colonnades became popular among weddings and outdoor soirees
1. We Celebrated our 10 Year Anniversary! 2005-2015

Cheers to a great 2015 and to those who were a part of it all!

Happy New Year!

The Town & Country Family

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