Naticc Swaziland

We make a change in the way people behave.

Nhlangano Aids Training Information Counseling Center er DFEF og FECF sitt samrbeidsprosjekt. Prosjektet er inne i sitt femtende år, hvorav de første 10 årene jobbet med tematikken HIV/aids, mens man de siste fem årene har jobbet med tematikken Gender based violence. (kjønnsrelatert vold)

Community dialoque

NATICC is a faith based non-profit and non-governmental organisation in the Shiselweni region that addresses Gender Based Violence (GBV) issues

We have a dedicated staff working everyday to fight the violence.

Youth dialogues

The young generation is the key to change the innheritance of the past.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Prov.22:6
There is a broad future for the "beautiful country of Swaziland".

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