Measurments Converting measurments into differnts measurments😉

10mm= 1cm 100cm= 1m. 1000m=1km 10ml=1cl. 1000ml=1m. 100cl= 1l. 1000l= 1kl. 10mg= 1cg. 100cg= 1g. 1000g= kg

Litres are used to measure types of liquid and also ml,cl,kl are used to measure liquid as well.

Kg are used to measure mass/weight and also mg,cg,grams are used to measure mass/weight as well

Km are used to measure height and also mm,cm,metres are used to measure height as well

If you wanted to measure how wide a pen was you would measure it in mm.

If you wanted to measure a book you would measure it in cm.

If you wanted to measure how long the classroom was you would measure it in metres.

If you wanted to measure how long country the you would measure it in Km.

Girl measuring classroom

The weight of an apple is about 140 grams and the weight of an apple in kilo grams is 0.14

This is the apple that we weighed

If you wanted to measure how long a pencil was you would measure it in cm

Jug of water 

That blue cup had 200ml of water

A ruler

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