Nerf or nothin'...

The NERF war began not too long ago... the neighborhood was in a fierce battle of who would claim possession of Princess Neia...

Luke Nerfwalker: TAKE COVER!!!

Noda: May the NERF be with you...

Nerf Vador: You have some good NERF skills, my foe...

Luke Nerfwalker: You will never shoot me with those non expanding recreational foam bullets!

Not long after that, Luke became a neighborhood legend, beating anyone one who dared to take him on in another NERF War!

NERF should be in the National Toy Hall of Fame...

The National Museum of Play (Strong Museum) holds the National Toy Hall of Fame inventory. The Toy Hall of Fame is an inventory of toys that have sentimental value in the world of play. The National Toy Hall of Fame has inducted 59 toys so far... NERF hopes to be the 60th. Some inductions include: a stick, Rubik's Cube, and a bicycle.

NERF makes many different products.

such as balls and disks...

and toy guns... ( 74 guns )

even dog toys!


NERF is known by many different people in many different places...

NERF is known all around the world! NERF is frequently advertised on TV because it is constantly making new products.


NERF has been around for a long time...

It's been around since 1969 and has been extremely popular since!


NERF has changed the way children play in a unique way...

NERF brings enjoyable active play to any household! It helps with not only aim, but also eye coordination!


NERF makes more than 445,277,777 bullets a year!

NERF guns can shoot bullets up to 50 mph!

NERF stands for Non Expanding Recreational Foam...

NERF should be in the National Toy Hall of Fame...

NERF isn't cool... It's AWESOME!!!

If NERF gets into the National Toy Hall of Fame, Luke Nerfwalker and his victory will be remembered forever...

so vote NERF...

All information from official NERF websites.

Created with images by JeepersMedia - "Nerf" • Iwan Gabovitch - "Nerf N-Strike Maverick" • Seth1492 - "Innovation" • stevendepolo - "Nerf Gun Bullets Darts"

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