How one bike donation benefits the entire SF community Donate your bike and start a (pedal) revolution

As a nonprofit bike shop and social enterprise benefiting San Francisco’s disconnected youth, Pedal Revolution is all about changing lives. When people learn about our shop and our mission, they often ask how they can help.

Buying our bicycle products and repair services is one great way to contribute to our cause. Another is to donate a used bike for our team to restore and sell in our shop.

Four big impacts of one humble bike donation:

1. You’ll help local youth gain valuable work and life skills

One of the 15+ interns we employ each year will work with a professional mechanic to assess your bike, refurbish it, and ready it for sale. They’ll learn bike-craft, and they’ll gain workplace and communication skills that will help them succeed in the future and make positive contributions to society.

2. You’ll help ensure our financial future

The money we make selling your refurbished bike will help pay our staff, interns, and other operating expenses so we can keep our doors open.

3. You’ll help the environment by encouraging people to bike more and drive less

When we sell used bikes at Pedal Revolution, we give the new owners an incentive to leave their cars at home. Each time they ride to work, the store, the park, or the beach, they’ll reduce air pollution and shrink their environmental footprint.

4. You’ll help the community by supporting San Francisco’s bike culture

To us, bike culture is all about sustainability, fitness, safety, and making connections with neighbors. Pedal Revolution is committed to being a friendly and welcoming neighborhood expert — here to demystify bicycling and bike mechanics and make our community a better place to be. It’s our goal to spread the benefits of biking throughout the Mission District and across San Francisco and beyond.

Created with images by tejvanphotos - "Cycling Oxford"

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