San Diego Regional StrokeNet

MARCH 2016

Dear San Diego StrokeNet Team,

As we implement the first few NIH trials in our San Diego region, we are feeling far more comfortable now that the "kinks" have been worked out. This is great news for us all.

As you are now noting, we are getting a good amount of pragmatic trials which can be done at each and every center in San Diego. I encourage you to continue to fill out the site selection surveys aggressively.

Don't forget - the TEMPO-EMS survey is due by COB MONDAY, April 4th!

You can follow this link to submit a survey now:

Should your site not be interested in participation, please be sure to drop us a note in order to update your site activity records accordingly.

Make sure you have a core research team in place (at minimum a PI, Co-I's and research coordinator).

Now is the time to make sure you are all on board with your own hospital administrative teams in order to ensure you have active NIH trials at your centers (hospital systems often want to show they do NIH research for system purposes). Doing StrokeNet trials is a great way to show this nationally.

We are looking forward to having more San Diego centers on board in active StrokeNet trials.

Thank you for your continued participation and efforts in the SDRSN. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.




Please remember to visit the StrokeNet Education page to view all of the archived webinars:


You must dial in to the conference to join the conversation:

(877) 621-0220 | Passcode 190825


New to research? Need research training? Visit the NIH Clinical Center website for various courses including:

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