Hereford Photo Walk With Olympus UK

On the 31st October 2015 I visited the beautiful city of Hereford for a day of photo walking. I’d been invited by Olympus UK who organised the event and we were hosted by the LCE camera store in Hereford.

Never having visited Hereford before I’d done my research and planned a route I thought would be photographically interesting and just the right distance to fill the two and a half hours I had for both the morning an afternoon walks.

The first walk kicked off with a small group of photographers and we headed towards the magnificent cathedral. With an entry fee and a limited time, photography was limited to the exterior only.

The river Wye is just a short stroll away and with its tree lined path in full autumn colour, it was a real photo hot spot.

Part of my job was to help my fellow photo walkers see what I see and although a tree lined path is eye-catching, adding a human elements (in this case one of our photo walkers) elevated it to a whole new level

Stumbling across a photo opportunity is great but sometimes creativity is the name of the game. In this case two interesting backgrounds were enhanced by the addition of a single leaf!

The route was the same for the second walk of the day but the group was different and bigger. The clouds of the morning had gone, replaced by clear skies and low sun. It’s amazing how a change in the weather can lead you to see the same place in a whole new light.

Hereford might be a small city but it’s big on photo potential. It’s well worth a visit and I’m sure I’ll be back to explore it further one day.

Created By
Gavin Hoey

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