Changing A User's Settings Recruiting Management

There will come a time when a user's settings must be adjusted in some manner. This guide will show you how to successfully navigate to the settings page for a specific user, within the Recruiting Management software. Please note, your software may look a bit differently from the images below, but the functionality is the same.

The settings page will allow you to change the following details about a user:

  • Login-Name (The username of the employee, they use this to log in to the system)
  • Alias (For HR Experts, this identifier is used in place of full names)
  • User Language (English, and any other languages in your system)

First, you will need to be logged in as a hiring manager, HR, or administrator. If you've logged in as one of those roles, you will see a page similar to this, as your home page. Now you will need to click on the "Settings" button (this button may appear as a gear icon, as seen below)

Now that you've clicked on "Settings", you'll need to click on "User".

Now that you have clicked "Users", you can select whom you wish to edit.

Now that you've selected a user, you must click on the edit pencil icon, next to their settings. As seen below:

Here you will see the settings that can be modified:

Remember to click "Save"!!!

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