Photos with the "Hipstamatic" App by Anne Getzieh MostlY taken as a co-driver while the car was driving

everyone is taking photos, selfies ... it nearly is an incurable plague. - but taking photos with the "Hipstamatic" app brings back the charming illusion of the former days. At least it had that charme as long as you could not change every pic into that old-fashioned look i love so much.

When you use the "hipstamatic app" camera you hear that wonderful "click" after releasing the shutter - you can not take as much photos as you want, the film is "full" after a few shots - you have to wait until the "development" of the film is done.

Before shooting you have to choose a certain film or lense . . .

I loved that feeling of the analog way of taking photos combined with the quick results of the digital way of handling.

It's just fun taking photos this way and it makes traveling more exciting.
In the background : the "Elbphilharmonie" in Hamburg.

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