
Remove the hassle of receipts and expenses

No manual data entry!!

Receipt processing products extract the key information from your bills, receipts and invoices, removing the need for manual data entry. It can then publish the data to your accounting software or it can be downloaded as a spreadsheet or used to create expense reports.

Getting information into receipt processing products

There are multiple ways to submit items to your account for data extraction. These include e-mail, Mobile apps, computer upload, DropBox, postal service and a mileage tracker software.

Should you receive regular invoices via email from any of your suppliers, for example a telephone or internet provider, you can also provide them with your personalised @dext.me email address so that they can send invoices directly into your Dext account!

You can submit invoices or receipts of the following file types: JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PDF, .zip files with images, DOC, DOCX, ODT, and RTF

Receipt Scanning Apps are available for both iPhone and Android, is the quickest way to get receipts into the products whilst on the move. Simply snap a photo and the software extracts all of the key data for you.

Submitting items through the mobile apps is as easy as 3 presses of a button:

- Once to open the app,

- Once to take a photo, &

- Once to submit the photo for processing.

That's around 5 seconds work to submit an item into the system and you never have to worry about storing it, chasing it up later on or the item getting lost!

Additional Features & Benefits

  • Quick and accurate data entry
  • Automated expense reports sent via email
  • Approved by tax authorities worldwide
  • Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
  • Available on your desktop, laptop, mobile and smartphone
  • Secure and safe online storage

Want to know more? Give us a call

30 Bear Street, Barnstaple T 01271 375271

27 Bridgeland Street, Bideford T 01237 471881


Created By
Kevin Salter


Created with an image by ben_osteen - "Close-up of the receipts spooling out"