Headphones From Heaven B-Sides

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might." Deuteronomy 6:4-5
You can't HEAR and TALK at the same time.


In a world full of sounds that lack meaning and purpose, sounds that are more noise than signal, sounds that are designed to disguise, misdirect and stifle the sound of God imploring us to hear just one thing, at a time like this I wish there were some heavenly headphones that we could put on to HEAR.


1. How do you recognize "noisy" areas in your life?

2. "These days, Christians are talking more and hearing less." What are some ways of reversing this trend? How can we hear more and talk less as a community and as individuals?

3. Where are you hearing God's love calling you?

By reciting the words upon waking and sleeping it was the beginning and end to each day. By reciting them to our children and talking about them at home, the words determined how we relate to our families, it was the beginning and end to our most cherished relationships.
Created with images by nSeika - "Headphone" • keela84 - "listen to me..." • spDuchamp - "can you hear me?"

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