Susi A young woman in Armenia

Susi is 23 years old. She lives in Gyumri, Armenia.

Gyumri was severely damaged by the earthquake of 1988 and has never been rebuilt since.

A lot of people still live in temporary housing they call Domiks.

So is Susi.

Armenia has a very patriarchal society. Women are not treated the same as men. Neither socially nor economically. They are expected to marry in their twenties and become mothers and housewives.

Most girls in Armenia can only dream of a different life.

Susi is an artist. She also dreams about a different life.

What will happen with Susi ?

Will she find a good husband who supports her lively and poetic nature?

Will she be able to do other things then cooking and cleaning and supporting him and their kids?

Will he let her keep her profession so she can work as an artist?

She dreams about travelling and meeting interesting challenges

During her long walks Susi feeds her artistic self with the visual poetry of her surroundings.

What will Susi be like in 10 years?

Created By
Irene Van Nispen Kress
Photography and story : Irene van Nispen Kress Translator and fixer on location: Tamara Khighatyan This photo story was created during a John Stanmeyer workshop in Armenia, March 2016.

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