Snook Haven old florida at its best since 1948

Snook Haven, a many storied history of nefarious activities - Tarzan movies, killer turtles, home to smugglers of contraband during Prohibition, moonshine still, brothel(?), gator den, …
Entrance into the compound

Snook Haven sits on the banks of the Myakka River in a densely wooded area in southwest Florida. The State designated the Myakka as one of only two "Wild and Scenic Rivers" in the state, a federal designation intending to preserve the river basin in its natural state.

Staging for the river cruise
River cruises offered by Logan River Tours

The cook shack serves multiple dining areas: some order-at-the-counter, others full service, some indoors, others plein air, some screened in, some at the live music stage, others on the river, all river-casual.

Shirts, koozies, gator teeth and all things Snook Haven

It's an adventure: in the water, on the water, munching on gator bites, dancing to the vibes, or just absorbing the ambiance.

Created By
Sue S Puetz
© 2016 All photos property of Sue S Puetz

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