Airbnb Technology Education Innovator | 2015 work sample

stylish Just-in-time online education

TEI designed short, on-demand, online courses for Airbnb to build in-house for their new lodging hosts.
Airbnb, the san Francisco sharing-economy pioneer, needed an engaging online experience to train new hosts

Instructional design.

Airbnb hired TEI for fresh ideas and a commitment to good consumer-facing instructional design. Their first client-education course needed to hit a high mark and reinforce their design-centered brand.

  • Deeply analyzed research about host motivations
  • Carefully incorporated branding keywords, attitudes and desired behaviors
TEI designed from scratch to connect with Airbnb's general-public audience.


TEI wrote storyboards and worked with an artist to iterate concepts through several reviews.

  • Set overall tone and provided direction
  • Carefully thought out timings for content, activities, reviews
  • Wrote scripting and detailed design notes

Tightly defined visuals with moment-by-moment descriptions.

Easily navigated client's host-education goals.

Balanced creativity, clarity, and client's tone and branding.

Web content.

TEI leveraged existing web content as source material.

  • Resolved inconsistencies through clear communication
Leveraged parts of existing content and wove in fresh information.
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Technology Education Innovator

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