Kenya with The Trumps #10 A Reporting Series on Visiting Missionaries

Thursday: An American in Kenya

Today was a much needed office day. Some website updating as you can see in the first picture (LiveUCF!) and organizing and aggrating all the media I'm acquiring while here.

The Trump's ride in style. Well really it's because it's the best vehicle they can get here to handle rides like we had on Monday and handle 3 boys!

Then it was time for The Trumps to bring me to THE place to bring Americans to in Kenya...

Thanks to Britt and Micah Odemba for kid sitting tonight! Britt is a missionary here working with schools and children's ministries. I'm spending most of they day tomorrow with them learning about their ministry lives in the city.
Then in seminary fashion, us three headed out to Carnivore...
They just kept bringing meat...

Yes I tried everything on the menu.. Including....

Ox Ball ... Yup check the menu above...

Another great day, lots more to come, this was the last solid office/home day I will have, so stay tuned... Till tomorrow....

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