Your Christmas List Max, alex, and luca

The Gonzalez' are a low income family from Nicaragua that we adopted. We have $1000 to spend on them. There is a mom Isabel, a dad Juan Carlos, and two boys: Anthony and Lucas. Anthony said he loved sports but especially loves soccer. Lucas said he also liked sports. And the two parents said they are indifferent.

Family Photo👉🏻

Isabel is originally from Spain, she is 37 years-old. She moved to Masaya, Nicaragua when she was 15 to reunite with her family. We got Isabel a digital camera for $149.99, a smart watch for $24.90, a necklace for $29.99, sunglasses for $7.30, and a phone case for $18.99. In total we spent $231.17 on Isabel.

Juan Carlos was born in Masaya, Nicaragua which is where he met Isabel. We got him an action underwater camera for $95.99, a Fitbit flex watch for $79.10, a wallet for $10.00, a button down shirt for $22.99, and a coffee maker for $39.00. In total we spent $247.08 on Juan Carlos.

Anthony was also born in Masaya, Nicaragua and is 7 years-old. He told us he loved sports but especially soccer with this in mind we decided to get him a pair of Nike soccer shoes for $47.99, an iPad for $61.00, a soccer ball for $19.99, a nerf gun for $25.99, and a mini trampoline for $59.99. In total we spent $214.96 on Anthony.

Lucas was also born in Masaya, Nicaragua. All that he told us was that he liked sports so it was very difficult to pick out 5 gifts for him. First we got him a smart balance wheel~ also known as a skywalker that was $99.00, an RC 458 Ferrari for $15.74, a mega nerf gun for $38.49, a penny Boared for $27.99, and a nerf rhino fire for $60.00. In total we spent $241.22 on Lucas

In total we spent $934.43 that means that we didn't spend $65.57.


I thought that this project was very fun it was cool to browse on some sites like Amazon, eBay, or the Soccer Locker site and have $1000 to spend. Another reason I liked this project was because once a year the morning before Christmas each member of our family adopts one needy family and we buy presents for them. Each kid in the family that we adopt gives us a list of what he or she would like for Christmas. We get them anything from shoes to a toy Dinosaur. Over all I really enjoyed this project.


I think our project was a very good and organized project. I think that we followed the rubric well. There were only a couple of hard things to deal with in the project. One of them was that we weren't cooperating so well in the beginning and sometimes we wouldn't focus that much. There were also some fun things like finding cool gadgets and my favorite part was finding super cheap stuff. There were some things that were unbelievably cheap. In all I think our project was made well and I had fun doing it.


Thank you for watching :)
Created By
Luca M.

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