Large Format, Luxury Books for FRIENDLY-SIZED BUDGETS

Web, magazine, social, video, and now large format, coffee table luxury books: Synersea, one of Italy's leading content marketing agencies, embarks on a new challenge, the design and creation of extra-large, extra-luxury volumes at affordable prices. Because a limited budget should never mean limited creativity, and excellence is priceless.

A large format, luxury book is the most effective and enduring way to communicate and promote a company's identity, its values, and its products. We have the know-how and experience to develop just the right concept for your company, event or activity.

Our latest luxury publication is BENETTI INSPIRATIONS 2016: an extra large format book for Benetti Yachts, the largest builder of superyachts in the world. The book is 216 pages long and features incredible images by leading yachting photographers. 14 of the latest constructions from the yard and two of its historical models are featured, along with many of the company's main partners.

Synersea can design and publish any kind of large-format luxury books: from art and photography, to corporate events and company yearbooks, from travel and fashion to science and technology, we take care of the entire production workflow: concept, content, print, distribution.

Limited budgets, unlimited opportunities.

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