Quarter 3 Reporting CSU STEM VISTA 2015-16 Program Year

Tiffany Nguyen worked with the Peer Mentoring Consortium at Cal Poly Pomona to establish a way for on-campus organizations to collaborate on peer mentoring programs.

Cheyanne Ramon introduced 515 students to Fab Lab technology by making in-class presentations and coordinating field trips.

August Delforge coordinated and posted over 49 internship opportunities for CSUMB students.

Emily Liptow was accepted to present a paper on institutionalization of learning communities at the American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference.

Nenetzin Rodriguez collaborated with Project Lead The Way schools to provide opportunities for 484 female K-12 students to learn about engineering.

Shelby Ramsey developed program management tools for internship and peer mentor programs.

Silverio Delgado successfully advocated for a Physics Department alumni event where a Cal State LA professor will give a talk called "Detection of Gravitational Waves: Sounds from the Universe."

Romalyn Mirador supported three teams of engineering service learning students, one of which will have their project featured in a NBC interview.

JT Stoner developed STEM Resource Guides so high school and college students can learn about STEM fields at Sac State, STEM careers, clubs, and other on-campus resources.

Sheina Vogt recruited 15 peer mentors who will support the Klamath Connection STEM Collaboratives summer bridge program and learning community during the 2016-17 academic year.

Paige Hernandez recruited CSU I-Corps student teams, which yielded applications from three new campuses, indicating growth of the program.

Vy Nguyen created an outreach video for the BUILD program at CSU Long Beach for community college students to learn about undergraduate research opportunities through BUILD.

Jose Mendoza taught female K-12 students HTML/CSS code so they could create their own webpages.

Kayla Montanez received a $2,500 grant which will fund a Commit to Study Student Ambassador for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Noya Kansky developed and facilitated the first workshop of an Inclusive Undergraduate Research Mentorship professional development series with 11 faculty members at Cal Poly.

As a cohort, we:

provided services to 2,130 students, faculty, and other members of the community,
recruited 123 new volunteers,
provided capacity building services to 107 organizations, and
offered 13 trainings which reached 274 participants.

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