fresh from the press: Irsai Olivér 2016. yes, 2016. (Scroll down to read more)

We are proud to present the Irsai Olivér 2016 – the first and only in SA. tHIS OFFER IS exclusiveLY AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS OF THE Bosman FAMILY Wine Club.

Another first in South Africa – Irsai Olivér 2016.

  • Beautiful, aromatic white.
  • Exclusively available to Bosman Wine Club members.
  • R390 | 6 x 750ml
  • Membership discount applicable on all orders.

Having access to a wide range of exciting grape varietals due to our innovative vine nursery, this allows us to release interesting wines to the members of the Bosman Family Wine Club.

Not many varieties allows one the opportunity to be able to make such plans as bottling this early in harvest, as Irsai Olivér did.

As a wine it can be compared to Pinot Grigio, but gives more fragrances similar to Muscat. Fragrances of tropical fruits, lemon, honey and it has a mild acidity level.

Irsai Olivér is a relatively recent Hungarian white wine variety, crossed between Pozsonyi and Pearl of CsabaIt. It ripens early and easily and produces wines known for their perfumed, Muscat-like aromas. Irsai Olivér wines are typically light and refreshing, with a juicy tropical fruit character on the palate.


Varietal: 100% Irsai Olivér

Occasion: Summer evenings, apéritifs, dazzle a date

Nose: Rich tropical fruits and lemon with distinct Muscat aromas, which can be described as citrus blossom or perfumed

Goes with: Irsai Olivér would love aromatic spices such as ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and chilli peppers. Wines like these always go well with lighter meats such as chicken and light flaky fish, but can stand up to BBQ meat just as well.

Ageing: To be drunk fresh and young and adequately chilled.

Serving temperature: Fridge cold: 7 – 14 °C

Order now

Please note: Free delivery to members for orders of 12 bottles or more. Feel free to include any Bosman or De Bos wines in your order. Irsai Olivér is limited to 12 bottles per person / order.

  • R390 | 6 x 750ml
  • Exclusively available to Bosman Wine Club members.
  • Membership discount applicable on all orders.

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