Cultural Change Management Plan Alex and shannon

The initiative that we believe will be useful to our school district is to have a Cultural Diversity Week.

This week will fall near the end of each semester, and each day of this particular week will celebrate a different type of culture. So in doing this every classroom in the school will be involved, and everything done that week in the classrooms will have to do with the specific culture of the day. This could even go further and have the entire school participate: lunches be authentic with specified culture, music classes, art classes and even staff dress.

The stakeholder groups who will be impacted by the adoption of this initiative will be:

All parents or legal guardians of children who attend the school

The administration of the school

Taxpayers in the local community

Boosters for the school and all teachers and staff.

We will advocate our initiative by being super passionate about it.

We want all of our stakeholders to feel like they can say that they take part ownership with it.

To make sure this happens we will have completely open communication with all stakeholders on any aspect of the initiative.

To ensure the success of Cultural Diversity Week, there will need to be a small portion of funding.

To implement this it would probably take more time than money to make it a success, but there would also need to be other elements rather than just cultural diverse lessons:

  • The teachers and staff members could send out a letter of things they may need for the event and parents could donate things such as clothes and food that match the culture of the day.
  • They may also have suggestions for music and art projects and you could ask them to donate those supplies as well.
  • The classes could also do fundraisers, such as bake sale, to raise money to purchase items for the event.


  • An idea we think would be important is to have the school bring in people of the different cultures to educate the teachers on important aspects of the culture.
  • This will also help the teachers stray away from “stereotypes” or incorrect information.
  • The staff could also decide if they want to have these people speak to the entire school in an assembly at the end of the week, if they would be willing to.

To make this week happen in the school the teachers may need support to prepare and get through the week in a positive manner.

  • We plan to create a culture diversity committee that can gather information for the week and they can also gather the speakers and even choose the cultures for each time Culture Diversity Week takes place.
  • This committee will be available to any teacher and staff member if they need advice or help with a lesson or need additional information on the culture.

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