Try the Other Side b-sides | 10 April 2016

“Jesus said to them, 'Children, you have no fish, have you?' They answered him, 'No.' He said to them, 'Cast the net to the right side of the boat, and you will find some.' So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in because there were so many fish.” John 21:5-6
We’ve been fishing all night, and we ain’t caught a thing. If our long dark night of the soul is to ever give way to the eternal light of the kingdom of God, we need to try the other side.



1. Where do you feel trapped?

2. Why is it that we don't try the other side more often?

3. If we can trust that whatever mistakes we make will be forgiven and the next path will be shown to us, do you think that could be God encouraging us to try the other side?

4. Do you think that's what Jesus' resurrection is, God trying the other side?

That other side is forgiveness instead of revenge, compassion instead of resentment, mercy instead of justice, joy instead of shame, love instead of condemnation.

With life and breath we enter this holy space and this sacred time praising you, Almighty God. Amens arranged as a holy echo sound from your people in response to the grace you freely share with us. You alone are worthy of our praise, for you alone are our Redeemer and our Refuge. Still our anxious and impatient hearts, gather our scattered spirits, and prepare a place for us at your banquet and holy feast. We make our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Created with images by mydaydream - "fisherman boat inle lake" • ronjohns2 - "clouds mammatus mammatus cloud" • Unsplash - "building torii traditional"

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