The Official E-Newsletter of the UP Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute (EEEI) Centennial Celebration | 2016

The EEEI Centennial Celebration consists of various activities listed and described above.

Lecture Series and Seminars: MARCH

For the #3rdMonthsarEEE of the Centennial Lecture Series and Seminars, we're lucky to have Mr. Felipe Santiago, Founding President and General Manager of Trident Electronics Corp.

Mr. Felipe Santiago attended the event with his wife, Mrs. Evangeline Santiago, and son. Fellow alumni Dr. Luis Manuel Alarilla, Jr. and Engr. Alfonso Aliga, Jr., President of UP Engineering Research and Development Foundation, Inc (UPERDFI). The event was hosted by EEE Student Representative Mariel Belga.


The first Filipino-made microsatellite, Diwata-1, just got launched!

Last March 23, 2016, the first Filipino-made microsatellite, Diwata-1 was finally brought to the International Space Station (ISS) via Orbital ATK Commercial Resupply Services Flight 6 (OA-6) rocket launch.

College-wide FIRE DRILL

30 March 2016 (Wednesday) | UP EEEI Bldg

Before the Fire Prevention Month (March!) ended, the UP EEEI had a fire drill wherein students, faculty and staff participated. Feedback forms were given after the drill.

Here's something to LOOK FORWARD TO this April!

For the #4thMonthsarEEE of the Lecture Series and Seminars, tables turn. This time, we're looking forward to hearing from a woman, Dr. Rowena Cristina Guevara, Undersecretary for Scientific and Technological Services, DOST.

Wanna be a part of the UP EEEI Centennial Celebration? You can help us through sponsorship! Send us an email through or you can call us at (02) 9252957.

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