Bob Dylan GRC History of Rock

Born Robert Allen Zimmerman

Why use a stage name?

Performs on guitar, keyboard, and harmonica

Bob Dylan performed for more than 50 years, but was best known for his songwriting and performances during the 1960's, where he captured the unrest and turbulence of the times like few others could.

In 1965, he ventured away from his folk beginnings and hired a backup band, then recorded "Like a Rolling Stone", which was widely accepted as game changing by the rock community. The folk music community considered him a sell out.

Dylan was inspired by blues musicians like Little Richard, Robert Johnson, and even Elvis.

He performed covers of their songs in bands he started during high school. While at the University of Minnesota, he began performing in coffeehouses, where he began calling himself Bob Dylan for the first time. 

Bob Dylan's music was either inspired by or become the inspiration for political movements across America.

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