Pasture Valley Newsletter October 2015 Nhlangano Swaziland

Isaiah 42:16 “… I will turn darkness to light in front of them, and rough places into level ground…”

The End of a School Career

Proms Night

I look at the photos of these 2 beautiful children in their prom attire and I have to fight back the tears as their school career has come to an end and they will be moving on to tertiary education away from home. I remember so clearly the day they came into our lives. They were small and shy and now they are confident and assured of their identity in Christ. Siyabonga will be writing his entrance exam this week for completing an A level Cambridge course in Science and Maths so that he can enrol to pursue a career in Engineering in South Africa or elsewhere. Bongiwe is hoping to enrol at the Swaziland University in August 2016 to study journalism.

Being Courageous in the Face of Adversity

It takes a very strong person to be able to face daily pain. Pasture Valley was called to assist with a young man of 19 years doing Grade 6. It is only by sheer perseverance that he goes to school each day. Thuke (not his real name) was born with spina bifida. The operations, unfortunately, left him with a severed nerve making him incontinent. He has to wear diapers each day which are expensive and he was not able to afford them. If this humiliation was not enough, he was bitten by a rat on his foot which resulted in a hole in his foot that needs daily dressing. The infection spread to the bone and he now faces amputation of the leg. After several visits to doctors here and in South Africa, he is now scheduled for an operation on the 10th of December. I appeal to you to please pray for healing for this young boy and strength for his family. He has been through so much.

Opening of Pasture Valley Girls Care Centre at Ekutheleni Mission Station

Opening Day Girls Care Centre

The girls care centre is now officially open! The opening day went really well and was well attended by our partners and friends. Alicia and the Ekuthuleni team worked hard to make the day a success. Mr Per Weiby (the guest speaker) and his wife Berit came from Norway to attend the event. We are hoping to admit the first girl within the next 2 weeks who needs protection and pray that God will bring healing to all who enter. Thank you to our partners in Norway and the US for your support in providing for materials to renovate and rebuild the centre

New Home Building Progress

The new home has gone up fast! The pictures say it all.

Well Done to Kayise and Thokozani

Six grade sevens are writing their exams this week. Two children, Kayise and Thokozani came within the top 10 students in their classes for their mock exams written earlier. Thokozani got 1st place and Kayise came 4th. They each received a gift parcel from school and came back beaming. We are very proud of them!

Prayer Requests

  • Thankfulness for answered prayer in so many ways (a contractor was found for the new home, Rasel has stepped in to help with the Bambanani project, a young couple are selling their house and will be joining us end of February to help care for the children) - God has provided once again! All praise to Him.
  • Please pray for the children as they write their year-end exams this week.
  • The pastors will be finishing their course this coming week. Please pray for them in shepherding their people, for strength, truth and courage.
  • We hope to be able to do another Christmas function for the children in the community. This year we plan to do 2 events (one in Hlatikulu on 1 December for Zondle girls orphanage and Gogo Nde Centre children and another at Pasture Valley on 5 December for about 250- 300 children and staff). Please pray that the events will be a blessing to all who come.
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Pasture Valley
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