The PeerThru Story

In 2010 I overheard a CEO ask a large group if anyone had ever heard of the website At the time, only a couple people in the room had and the CEO dismissed the conversation with a simple, "Well, I'm sure they'll be gone in eight months."

Two years later, as the result of a Memorial Day picnic conversation, I joined Glassdoor, building and leading their first enterprise level sales team. At the time many candidates and companies were still discovering Glassdoor and the term "Employer Brand" continued finding its wings. Today there are few Executives who aren't aware of Glassdoor or the impact, positive or negative, that employee reviews can have on their employer brand.

The three years I spent at Glassdoor were invaluable. In that time I consulted with hundreds of companies across all industries to help them develop a Glassdoor strategy, better manage their online recruiting brand and find great people.

In 2015 I left Glassdoor to form PeerThru, LLC, an independent advisory dedicated to helping companies from the inside out.

This is the first chapter of a fantastic story and I hope that your story will become part of ours. Thank you for joining me on this journey.


Christopher Kurtz

PeerThru's RAD Approach

Reputation Management / Employer Brand: In employer branding it’s true that "The Best Defense is a Great Offense". At PeerThru we help companies create and implement a simple playbook to gather and tune in to balanced reviews of their company.

Attract Great People: Employee engagement and retention start before the interview process and continue well beyond after an employee leaves your company. We’ll help you discover your brand ambassadors and enlist them to attract great people.

Develop and Train: Negative reviews don't just happen. They are often the last expression of a voice unheard, the result of broken trust, poor communication or a perceived lack of commitment. With over 20 years experience leading teams, and as an accredited partner of The Five Behaviors of Cohesive Teams, PeerThru helps leaders and teams better communicate and align to achieve sustainable results.

What we do:

In a nutshell, we educate, train, coach, monitor and report. The world of user generated content can be a scary place, we're here to take some of that fear away.

What we don't do:

PeerThru doesn't guarantee that you will reach the top of any best places to work lists...that's up to you. We provide the insight, initiate the action and facilitate the change that will help you on the journey.

How we do it:

We use your data to develop an appropriate strategy to highlight strengths or zero in on challenge areas. We facilitate both team and one-on-one coaching sessions. This is done in a series of bite-sized 90 minute sessions or condensed as desired.

Getting Started

Your company culture is unique and PeerThru is committed to ensuring a good fit first. After the handshake, we go to work helping your organization gather feedback, implement best practices and monitor results.

Created By
Christopher Kurtz
Kobi Rafaeli, Andrew Moore, Sam Ilic

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