What’s the deal with GMO's?

GMO Definition

  1. Abbreviation for genetically modified organism
  2. an organism whose genome has been altered by the techniques of genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally found there


Genetically Modified Organisms are organisms in which the genetic material is altered in a way that would not happen naturally. For example, a tomato could be genetically modified to be bigger or to look more red. These changes would not happen naturally, and are thus called GMO tomatoes. GMO foods are changed at a laboratory through genetic engineering, or GE.


GMO foods are developed for many different reasons. There is a perceived advantage for the producers that can include lower prices and often greater durability while it is being grown.



Growing GMO crops are cheaper than regular crops. They do not require as much as normal crops, and are thus cheaper for farmers and for consumers.

Bigger Crops

When GMO crops are grown, they are bigger than a natural crop. If both normal and GMO crops are sold at the same price, you would be getting more food for your dollars.

More Nutrients

Many GMO crops are altered to have more vitamins and minerals than normal crops, and can thus better your health without you knowing. They can also help fight worldwide malnutrition with healthier cheaper food. There is also a new trend called "Pharming". Scientists have engineered plants to produce vaccines, proteins, and other pharmaceutical goods.

Improved Resistance to Insects

Before GMO crops, thousands of pounds of food was lost to swarms insects. They can even do damage to humans and farm animals. Now, only 18% of all crops are lost to insects as GMO plants are less appetizing to animals, as well as that GMO crops are more resilient to damage.

Longer Shelf Life

GMO products last longer without preservatives. This means that they can be transported almost anywhere without wasting more fuel or more food. Some NGO's re working on food that can be airdropped to countries, and food that doesn't rot as fast was a big concern. GMO foods mean that people in need can be provided with sustenance faster.


I truly believe living The Food Babe Way doesn’t mean you need to deprive yourself of your favorite foods – you just need to know your ingredients, where your food comes from and you are good to go!

Food Babe is run by Vani Hari, who is on the pro-labeling side of the GMO fight.

Significant Allergy Risks

Allergies in children under 18 spiked from 3.4 percent to 5.1 percent since the recent introduction of GMO foods. This might not be related to GMO foods. unfortunatly, GMO foods still combine certain proteins, that when ingested, can cause serious allergies in humans.

Lower Resistance to Antibiotics

Some GMO's have built in antibiotic qualities. When the body is exposed to antibiotics when they are not needed, can affect the effectiveness of real antibiotics when we need them most.

Some Animal Genes can "Migrate"

Some GMO's genes can spread to other plants near it, or even other plants in the same "family". This can pose a problem if, for example, a weed gets the herbicide-resistance gene from another plant. Also changing the plants basic structure can cause huge problems in ecosystems all over the world.

Can Cause Harm to the Body

Some studies have shown that excessive GMO foods in your body can cause harm within your kidney, liver, heart, and other organs.

We Don't Know What GMO's Can Do

Though there have been many many studies, we truly don't know how GMO's affect us and our environment. There could be a long term effect that we haven't discovered yet, or even something very fatal.


We don't know much about GMO's. Learning more about what we eat is the first step to being healthy for the rest of our lives. YOU should be doing research on what you eat, whether it is always looking at ingredients, or following a blog that does is for you, like Vani's site Food Babe. There are thousands out there that can help you choose the right thing for you. In my opinion, GMO food should be labeled. This would mean that if you are pro-GMO or con-GMO you can choose to buy and eat food that you think is right. Finally, remember that no potion is perfect. You have to look at both sides of the argument closely, before making and informed decision.

Created By
Shreya Patel
Created with images by pdimaria - "cornfield corn field"

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