All about the White Tiger Owen stone

Did you know that the White Tiger can be up to 300kg?

The White Tiger is a species of tigers. A pure White Tiger has white fur with no stripes. Unfortunately the White Tiger is starting to be endangered.

You can help the White Tiger by learning about their habitats, their predators and prey, why they are endangered, and how you can help.

The White Tiger would once have been found throughout much of India and the surrounding countries but their range has decreased dramatically particular over the past 100 years or so.

Today the White Tiger is found in small pockets of its natural habitat in India,Napal, Btutan and Banpladesh, and although populations are severely declining, they remain the most numerous Tiger species in the world.

You know when you enter a White Tigers habitat because it is steamy hot jungle as well as icy cold forests.

With loss in forest, there is also a decline in the White Tiger's population are becoming increasingly harder to sustain. Because of deforestation prey is becoming scarce.

White Tigers preys are Dear, Wild Boar and Cattle Goats. They have however been severely affected by people for over hundreds of years.

White Tigers have no predators due to the fact that is such a big and powerful animal itself.

One reason the White Tiger is endangered is because of poachers, poachers want them for their skin. White Tigers parts are used for Asian medicine, clothing and folk remedies.

Another reason the White Tiger is endangered is because men are deforesting their habitats. The fact that the few Bengal Tigers that remain in the in the wild are becoming more and more isolated that means that there is less of a chance they the White Tiger will be produced.

Investigate poachers and wildlife crime to stop poachers before they enter the area. Remove all snares being laid down by poachers . Patrol the area to ensure that poachers are caught.

To help White Tigers you can give donations or adopt one it is only 55 dollars through the World wildlife found.

White Tigers are decreasing fast.

The more you know about them the more you can help. Look for more books at you local library.

Created By
Owen Stone
Created with images by Hans - "white bengal tiger tiger predator" • Hans - "tiger face portrait" • Hans - "white bengal tiger tiger rest" • Hans - "white bengal tiger tiger majestic" • jbom411 - "tiger animal zoo" • InspiredImages - "cat tiger white" • skeeze - "tiger white tiger cat"

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