Things My Boyfriend Says

A design project inspired by the silly, funny, and sometimes weird things said by my boyfriend, Mike.

I wanted to start a new personal project for a while but didn't know what my subject matter should be. I had been working on #TypeTuesday for over a year and wanted to design something a little more close to my heart. After going to a design lecture, I was inspired to create work that focuses on words I encounter in my everyday life (rather than lettering famous quotes or lyrics). So I decided that every Thursday, I will create a design inspired by the things my boyfriend says. We would often joke about the way we pronounce and say things, so I thought it would be interesting to document those quotes that either made me laugh or confused.

Week 1

A what? I think he means a "cheese slice."

Every time Mike says he'll have a "regular" slice of pizza, people laugh. What is the proper way to name a pizza slice with no toppings? Some say plain, I just call it a cheese slice.

Week 2

I'm going to slap you every time you say "Ontario" instead of "scenario." - Mary-Anne

I honestly don't know where this saying is from. I'm assuming it's something said by Canadians. Mike said he started saying it after his roommate did. Every time Mike says this, I correct him and tell him to say scenario or else I'll slap him (playfully of course).

Week 3

I get it. You don't like Apple products...especially my iPhone. :p

I love my iPhone, but every time something goes wrong (I don't receive a text or I have terrible service), Mike likes to say that my phone and all Apple phones suck. I'm not switching to Team Android though.

Week 4

I'm pretty sure the saying is "Cool as a cucumber, Mike."

One day, tired and confused, Mike said he was "as crazy as a cucumber." I told him the saying is "cool as a cucumber" but I agreed that he was crazy too.

Week 5

You're sweet, like a cupcake. You're my sweet cupcake.

Mike calls me his sweet cupcake. I call him my honey bunny. We have weird pet names for each other, I know. It may be cheesy, but it's cute.

To follow the rest of the "Things My Boyfriend Says" project, look out for a new post every Thursday on Instagram.

© 2015 | Mary-Anne Ramirez

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