Bugle Brandon tobias

Adding the background: First we had to save the picture from edmodo in our Z drive. Then we had to import the picture into blender. We couldn't see it so we had to open it up in UV/image. Next we had to go to the front ortho view to see it.

Beginning the model: We had to put a curve on the picture, but we had to make sure it was in the middle of the bugle. We had to put the line all the way through it. Then we box cut some of the vertices to make it smooth and the shape of the bugle.

Today we continued to work on the Bugle. We had to off set the Bugle so it look like a paper clip that you undo. After we got that we had to add a circle to make the shape of the bugle. Next we had to add the a horn to the end of it, and also add a mouth piece to it. Finally, we added color to the bugle.

Created By
Brandon Tobias

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