Project Lead the Way Launch K-5//Mr. Rojo

"PLTW Launch is designed to capture student interest and spark a lifetime passion for math and science."

Using the game "Head's Up Seven-Up" along with Glitterbug Powder we were able to disperse Glitterbug "germs" amongst many students in our class. Using a UV light we were able to identify who was "infected" and who was not.

As a class we worked together using the iOS app Popplet to map the spread of the "infection."

Students work cooperatively, but are expected to justify their findings as an individual by responding to written prompts. I find that having them record themselves can be a very valuable tool.

What's the most effective method in stopping the spread of germs? Students create their own experiments.

Students use the scientific inquiry process as a guide to lead their investigation. Note how the arrows point in both directions.

Students are expected to document their research in their launch logs.

The teacher facilitates the learning, allowing learning to be student driven.

The Design Process

Using Google Drawings teachers can create a blank design process template and share it with students.

Chromebooks and iPads playing together, allows students to record the video above.

Problem-Based Learning

"The school nurse’s office has been flooded with students this week. The following information was collected from each student as they were examined. Look for any patterns in the information or any connection between classmates..."

Students searched for patient zero by analyzing student data cards, along with seating charts in the classroom, in the school cafeteria and a map of the school.

Hey, you forgot about 6th grade!

PLTW Launch is only for grades K - 5. The folks at CUE Rockstar will train one 6th grade teacher per site. It should be awesome

Where do we go from here?

PLTW is not a complete curriculum. The modules can be completed in four months. Instead, it allows us the opportunity to create our own blueprint for what STEM/STEAM Education should look like at Los Robles.

Created By
Gustavo Rojo
Gustavo Rojo

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