PDX Coffeeneuring 2015 Hi! HO! HI! hO! It's a coffeeneuring we go

Week 1

Palio in Ladd's Addition: espresso. 4.5 mile ride.

Week 2

Coffee Outside with the Mason Hill Rabble Rousers Fan Club (MHRR): home roasted beans brewed in an Aeropress. 8 mile ride.

MHRR Rides
The sad aftermath

Week 3

Oblique Coffee Roasters: espresso and walnut coffeecake. 3 mile ride.

Read the interesting Oblique story at "obliquecoffeeroasters.com" under "about us"

Week 4

Cup & Bar/Trailhead Coffee Roasters: espresso blend Macchiato. 5 mile ride.

Roasting Action
Trailhead makes their own chocolate bars too

Week 5

Purringtons Cat Lounge: Stumptown drip. 8 mile ride.

Week 6

Five Points Roasting aka Division Coffee: High Score Espresso Blend Macchiato. 6 mile ride.

Week 7

Pawfee Coffeehouse and dog day boarding. Stumptown espresso blend cappuccino. 3.2 mile ride.

My maiden voyage on my new- to-me Phillips Twenty


Created By
Dennis In PDX

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