Amsterdam and Utrecht  The End of hilary's chemo and radiotherapy

Last Thursday Hilary had her last radiotherapy session, marking the end of 8 months of surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and loads of other doctors appointments. So we decided to celebrate and headed to Amsterdam and Utrecht.

Where Utrecht uni students defend their PhD

After arriving on Friday afternoon we spent the afternoon wandering round the city, getting lost, walking many miles (10 according to Hil's Fitbit) but punctuating those miles with plenty of cafe stops along the way.

Hil enjoying cafe lifestyle

The next day we headed off to Utrecht to meet up with Hilary's old friends from her football team in high school. Thoroughly impressed with the public transport system and even more so with the thoroughly beautiful Utrecht.

Some examples of Utrecht architecture
Not sure what they are planning on shooting at?

The next day we were out downtown in Amsterdam, visiting the resistance museum, walking through the red light district and mingling with the Ajax fans commiserating their surprise draw and loss of the league title.

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