Grappling With Life 60 days until japan

Kind of a weird feeling going on.

I know that I'm going. The plans were set in motion well over 10 months ago about dates I was available to travel, how long I could stay etc. but it's only now in the past week that it's sunk in that I'm going to be going back.

My travel arrangements have been finalised. I leave on March 30th and won't be returning until May 31st. Twice as long as my first trip. Am I nervous? Of course I am, I'm travelling to the other side of the world on my own to a country where I don't speak or read the language. I'd be stupid if I wasn't at least a little nervous, but this time it's different.

This time I know people, I know my way around and how tough training is and most importantly of all, I've matured since then. Experiences I've had have completely changed my mindset. I'm more determined than ever to go out there and learn as much as I can, experience as much as I can and use it all to make myself a better wrestler.

Wrestling Matsumoto Miyako at Nagano Ribbon in Nagano, Japan. January 2014

You know how people always go on about endorphins and how the more you work out the happier you feel? I used to scoff at this. I used to honestly think it was crap made up by total gym bunnies who feel good because they have a 6-pack.

Guys....I think it might actually be true.

Since starting to train properly, going to the gym 5 days a week, I'm starting to notice a serious difference in my mood. This could also involve other factors (I just started a new job for example) but when I finish at the gym, I feel great. I feel genuinely happy with myself. It could also be that I'm now 4 weeks in and I'm starting to notice the difference in my body.

My clothes don't feel as tight (today was the first time in years I've gone out in skinny jeans and felt good about myself,) I have more energy and I don't feel lethargic. In fact, I'm starting to feel weird when I have a rest day, even though I know that my body needs it to recover so I can go and batter it again.

Mid-cardio selfie. What a wank.

The biggest motivation of all? I can see by the numbers that it's working. I've dropped 5% body fat and I'm back down into the twenties. Am I where I want to be just yet? No, but I'm one milestone closer and that's what's important!

I suppose I am in a better position than most people. Recently I started a new day job that involves me working for a kitchen that specialises in gym and fitness food. I literally spend all my day surrounded by healthy food, weighed out and calculated to the last gram. I have no excuse to have a bad diet day to day!

Even when I'm not working, I'm buying food to take home with me!

You know what I noticed though? On the days where I'm buying food for myself, when I have to drag myself to the shops and make my own meals, now that I'm actively looking to eat clean and avoid the junk pitfalls, that's all I can see around me. Our supermarkets are pushing convenience crap at us all the time with sneaky sales points and 2 for 1 specials that you just don't need. Don't be fooled by the "no sweets" checkouts. Junk is far easier to find and when you think about it, no wonder there's an obesity problem in the UK.

Another rant for another day perhaps...

Some wrestling closer to home is also something that's keeping me motivated! I'll be Wrestling in Glasgow on February 26th for Scotland's only all female promotion.

As well as that, I'm wrestling in Edinburgh on February 18th and in Kilwinning and Pollockshaws on February 20th and 28th! Loads of reasons closer to home to keep myself on the straight and narrow!

I'm on the right track at least and if there's any advice I can give to you folks who are like me and trying to get in better shape, it's make small goals. Do I have a end game? Sure I do, but I know that's going to take time and to keep myself motivated until I reach it, I'm using small little stepping stone goals to get me there. It won't happen overnight, but man, I'm finally starting to love the process (although not as much as I still love cake...)

My "what was I thinking?" face...seen often.

Follow more awesome things on twitter and Instagram at @BBCthesocial or head to to see what's happening in Scotland!

Photos courtesy of David J Wilson and my own phone.

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