Grappling With Life 48 days until Japan

I can't feel my legs.

Well, to be more accurate, I'm not sure if I can't feel my legs or if I can feel them far too much. It's two days later after my leg day at the gym (the first of two leg days per week) and the DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) has well and truly kicked in. Combine that with the previous night’s wrestling training which involved squats and lunges, walking up and down the stairs to get into my home is interesting.

Here's where I am so far:

Ignore my non-made up face. That's not the focal point here!

Those khaki trousers I'm rocking? A few weeks ago I had to pull them right up until they were above my belly button to make them fit, so I could do the top button. Today I pulled them on and not only do they fit, but I'm going to need a belt if I have to wear them out of the house! I am crazy proud of that!

Currently sitting at 29% body fat which is nicely on track to where I would like to be. Since muscle weighs more than fat, I'm not too concerned about that number on the scales. A lot of women seem too obsessed with hitting a certain number when they go to weigh themselves; I've been guilty of it myself. I honestly used to think I was failing at life because I didn't weigh between 9 and 10 stone. Not. True.

Chillin' with my tag team partner (and heterosexual life partner) Viper, LCW Roses 2014 (Pic: LCW)

Since noticing my progress had been slowing a little, and since I want to get into the best shape possible in a short number of days, I've decided to mix it up a bit with a new programme.

I still have my days separated into different areas of the body, that hasn't changed, but the way I'm performing the movements have. For some, I now include something called raise sets, double raise sets to be exact. This is where as soon as I've finished my last working set, I increase the weight by between 5-20% and I do as many reps as possible until I can't do any more. Once I've done that? Up about 5-20% and I do as many as I can until I just can't do any more. Double raise set. It's horrible.

(Pic: Buzzfeed)

To try and keep myself going, I've been looking at a lot of "Fitspo" blogs. It's short for Fitsporation and while some are great, offering really good advice and moral support...others are just so full of self-righteous, smug bollocks!

The pictures that may inspire some, guilt others into believing that their lifestyle isn't good enough because they didn't start their day with a freshly made chia pudding or because they didn't have time to fit in a work out that day. If you're aiming to be an athlete then cool, it's totally understandable BUT if you want to be a little bit healthier and feel a little bit better about yourself? Don't worry about not being able to go for a run; don't sweat having a cupcake now and then. Life is hard enough sometimes without putting that kind of pressure on yourself.

NOT TRUE: Pizza, oreo cookies, ice cream, tacos....You get the idea. (Pic: FitLife.Tumblr)

I've had a lot of people asking me if I would send them my diet plan/exercise plan and while it's great that you guys are interested or want to follow it yourselves, the answer is going to be no.

It's not that I want to keep all these magical secrets for myself. It's not even that secret, go on google and there are tons of free plans out there, but I'm not an expert. I have gone and got advice and plans from trained professionals who know what they are talking about and can explain things far better than I ever could! What works for me, might not work for you and I can't take responsibility for that!

Fitness is individual. Remember that. (Pic: fitlife.tumblr)

My advice? If you want to get in shape and live a healthier life then I salute you. The best thing you can do is find a personal trainer who will give you one on one advice that is tailored to you.

My BFF Viper wrestling for Stardom, Tokyo Japan. She's the one wearing the case you missed it. (Pic: Stardom Japan)

As we speak my BFF, heterosexual life partner, wifey....whatever we call each other day to day is over in Tokyo wrestling for a company called Stardom, one of the biggest all female companies in Japan, and she is killing it!

I've been friends with Kimbo now for years, meeting through the wrestling school, some of the best experiences I've had so far in wrestling have involved her. We've wrestled with each other and against each other, I'm so proud to see her doing so well over there!

There she is being all intimidating and that...

As well as feeling proud and happy for her, it's really lit a fire in me to do just as well! It makes me want to work harder and show that I'm good enough. I actually enjoy the competitive spirit between the two of us because it's always friendly and I'll never begrudge that girl the success that she's worked so so hard for, it inspires me to work just as hard. While it would have been amazing to be out there at the same time as each other, being separate might be a good thing. It lets us both have our own experiences without the possibility of being overshadowed by the other, then we can come together back home in June and compare notes (Kimbo comes home in April, I leave in March. Only 9 days crossover in Japan!)

I'm not going to lie....I might be more excited about seeing the Pokemon Store again.

Loads of wrestling dates coming up in February around Scotland, for more information you can head to Twitter and Instagram at @BBCTheSocial or head to to see what's happening in Scotland!

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