Real Estate Photography Mike Kirwan Photography
When buyers are searching online for a new home, their search criteria is more than likely location and price. When the search returns the results they are presented with photographs of the listing. This first visual is vitally important, and appealing photographs will keep buyers interested and eager for more information.
You experience with your senses, sight, sound, touch and more. Photography displays a silent image with the only sense being visual. A good photographer will create an image that will give you a sense of being there, and good enough to have your imagination fill in those missing senses.
A professional photographer has the skills to ensure the listing is photographed to be both visually appealing and technically correct. The professional photographer has the equipment and knowledge to ensure the images are sharp, in focus, with accurate exposure and color fidelity.
While cameras that come bundled with your smartphone are getting better every day, but they are still no match for a full frame DSLR with a professional lens. The lenses are fully corrected for distortion and other aberrations, meaning images with verticals are indeed vertical and door frames do not look like wine barrels. In addition, a professional photographer will use high dynamic range techniques, taking between five and seven bracketed images to ensure the images match the scene.

The human eye and brain visualizes a scene far better than any camera, Indoors under tungsten or fluorescent lighting the eyes and brain automatically correct for color casts. The camera is not that smart and color correction (white balance) techniques need to be applied to an image. A good example is the image on the left above. Comparing to the image on the right you can clearly see the difference in color fidelity. You can clearly see with the image on the left the whites are not white, while in comparison, the image on the right the whites are white. Resulting in a more accurate and pleasing rendition
Productivity is important to everyone. A professional photographer will take around an hour to photograph a listing and another hour or two post processing the images, and packaging the images for delivery to the listing agent. While many agents photograph their own listings, is it the best use of their time? Would it be more beneficial if this time was devoted to more important task such as marketing and meeting with clients?
So why hire a Professional Photographer?
- Commitment to the Client
- Professionalism
- Technical Skills
- Unique Artistry
- Consistent Results
- Professional Equipment
- Detailed Invoicing
We take great pride in our photography as well as our service delivery to our clients. We offer very competitive pricing and cover the greater bay area