Intent Email: Mercy Mission India 2nd Missionary Journey

This letter is to update our friends in the ministry and let you know what has been unfolding with our December schedule . If you believe that our God quit being supernatural when John wrote Amen (Rev 22:21), this may not be for you. If you believe the greatest fireworks that God's children have ever seen from Adam to present time is about to happen in us and through us, spoken of in Joel chapter 2, then read on and be excited with us.

In January Minister Marcus Samuel of PineRidgeWarriors released a prophetic word to several people involved in missions work for India. The prophecy was that by the end of the year an outreach would travel to Tenali India, where several orphans in Pastor Ram Babu's

(Rambo’s) orphanage would be set on fire and raised up as leaders in the remnant Indian ecclesia. This preparation of orphans for 5 fold power ministry is for the final endtime showdown and harvest of souls before the second coming of our King.

In the same time frame Rip Logan received numerous prophecies that the Lord was soon to bring him a wife to be a ministry partner in the mission field. The final confirming prophecywas as quoted " You would know her immediately when You saw her " (prophecy given March 21st 2015 by Minister James Greybeal of Elijah Fire ministries).

Rip soon met Ange and they never looked back, joined together August 14 2015. Ange is from Dimapur, Nagaland, India.

Ange introduced Zoe & Rip to sister Mercy Konda. Bit by bit we started to hear her testimony of her deathbed conversion from Islam to being healed in Jesus name, being taken to Heaven, receiving instruction in heaven for end time “Power Evangelism” through healing and the children's bread of deliverance, telling of a fireball baptism of the spirit hitting her tongue and immediately receiving her gift and calling to the lost tribes of Ishmael. When we finally pieced this stunning story together we had to share it with the remnant watchmen to whom we were connected with. Brother Marcus heard her testimony and released another word from the Lord that with help from America , God was going to accelerate her ministry in the second half of 2015 and into 2016.

Around this same time, Mercy received a prophetic word from South African evangelists that God was bringing her "two American men to network and promote her ministry worldwide.” Joseph Edward (aka Zoe from the Elijah Challenge) began receiving strong witness to get behind Mercy in all the Lord is doing through her ministry in India. Brother Marcus confirmed prophetically that the two American men were Rip & Zoe.

Rip flew to India in August 2015 in obedience to these prophetic words and met Mercy and conducted 2 weeks of Elijah Challenge events with her. After careful examination of her fruit firsthand.

He was fully convinced of her testimony. Mercy Konda operates in a strong call to repentance and baptism of the Holy Spirit. The confirming witness of miracles, deliverance, and moves of the spirit was observed wherever she was received.

In obedience to the witness, Rip booked a month long outreach to link with Mercy and others in the team this December to see many of these confirming words fulfilled as the spirit has spoken. Our tentative plan is as “Mercy Mission India”, to teach the Elijah Challenge biblical program to young and old alike; to teach deliverance and perform mass group deliverance as the Lord directs, lay hands on those without the spirit and pray them through to the baptism of the spirit, baptize those who come to know him with water in Jesus name according to apostolic principles clearly defined in Acts 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:16, 22:16. These scriptural mandates defines the building of disciples, the love of Christ shown to the orphans,widows and to the making of disciples for future expansion of this ministry as directed by the living God.

The tentative schedule is:Pastor Vinnie Paul's congregation in Jhansi on Dec 13 (Sunday)

Pastor Rams orphanage in Tenali Dec 16 (Wed.Sat.)

Revivalist Madhu Glory & Fire praise hall & orphanage in Visakhapatnam Dec 2023 (Sun.Wed.)

Evangelist Toshi Longkumar Dimapur Nagaland (to be announced in early 2016)

Taurn & Mercy Konda Dibrugarh Assam Dec 29

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