Viva Las Vegas! trying our "hand" at probability

The students have been learning about basic probability. We have been determining the probability of particular outcomes and expressing the probability as a fraction, on a number line, and with vocabulary words such as impossible, unlikely, equally like/fair, likely, and certain.

What better way to practice determining "chance" than to go to Las Vegas and try our "hand" at some casino-style games!

The back gym was transformed into the fabulous "Las Vegas"!

We enlisted the help of some "professional" Casino dealers!

They helped us determine how "lucky" we thought we would be for each game.

They helped helped us determine the probability of favorable outcomes.

They even wore fancy dealer hats!

We are so thankful for our volunteers!

We played four different games during our Probability Vegas Adventure!

Overall, we had a blast! Thanks again to all the volunteer "dealers"!

What happens in Vegas clearly doesn't stay in Vegas, because we brought home lots of knowledge!

Mrs. Craun :)

Created By
Kathryn Craun

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