"Stinky's Story" A fawn Tragically born prematurely with a warrior's will to survive

A newborn fawn, whom we named, "Stinky," was found brutally injured on the side of a road next to his deceased mother. His mom had been tragically hit by a vehicle, causing his spontaneous birth. A good samaritan passer-by found "Stinky" and took him home. A short time later, the DNR was contacted and they brought him over to us (Wildthunder Wildlife & Animal Rehabilitation and Sanctuary) " Wildthunder W.A.R.S. " for evaluation and treatment. At the time of his arrival, "Stinky" had severe diarrhea - from being fed calf replacer formula, he had extensive head trauma and facial fractures. He smelled horribly of necrotic tissues and had maggots crawling through his fur. The awful stench that came from this little guy was how he earned his unique name, "Stinky!"

I contacted a local veterinarian who cares for fawns; she agreed to take a look at him. It was obvious Stinky was in pretty rough shape, however, he had such a fighting-spirit, that even the veterinarian took notice, so we set about doing all that we could do for this little guy. We cleaned him up, she gave him some medications, and for many days and many nights - it was-touch-and-go, at best.

Stinky had a lot to over come at his young age; he had an extensive head trauma related to his sudden entry into the world.

The first few days were the most frightening. He was quiet, the swelling was bad, and he had an infection. I had to trickle milk down his throat, little-by-little, every few hours around the clock to get him some nutrition and hydration.

Sometimes all I could do was hope, watch and wait...

Each day I saw his strength and appetite improve; I flushed his wounds and cleaned off the dead tissue...

I could see in his big eyes, he was just as determined as I was!

... and I watched him grow and watched him heal.

He lost a quarter size piece of his skull from the traumatic birth and injuries.

The wounds slowly improved.

A typical baby - anxiously waiting its bottle.
The wound had a long way to go, but was healing much better than expected.
Come on, Mom! Where's the bottle?

Then came the next big step: Outside into the big-wide-world for the first time since his birth!

His first day outside in the pen.
Look at him go!!

He adapted very fast to his new environment; he continued to rapidly grow and heal - just as we wanted to see.

He did very well in the 'herd environment.'
Aww - he made a new friend!
The head wound was almost completely healed around the fracture.

...And then the big day came. The day of his release into the big-wide-world!

The fawns have all been sedated, a necessity to be relocated to the release site.
A bit groggy from the sedation medication, but this is vital so the little fawns can be easily and safely be relocated back into the woods.
Stinky is waking up in his new home - where he will run free and get a second chance to survive in the wild!

Stinky and his friend checking everything out before running free.

...and off they go - to run wild and be free!

The final release is our ultimate goal..

At Wildthunder Wildlife & Animal Rehabilitation and Sanctuary, (W.a.r.s.) our ultimate goal following treatment and rehabilitation of these animals, is to re introduce them to, and eventually release them back into their natural environments - allowing them a second chance at life in the wild .


Presentation by WILDTHUNDER W.A.R.S. www.wildthunder-wildlife-reptile-animal-rehabilitation-sanctuary.com

Rehabilitation is done voluntarily and on donations .

Donations are welcome . Links can be found on the bottom of our website


Created By
Tracy Belle
Wildthunder Photography

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