The Most Brilliant Mind The most powerful personal brand.

Albert Einstein wasn't just a scientist.

He became an icon, that to this day, represents intelligence, wisdom and creativity. His uncombed hair planted the idea of the "mad scientist" in our culture, and his friendly smile convinced an entire generation that innovation and technology could bring hope to an ever-more-dangerous world.

Without a doubt, he became the most powerful personal brand of the twentieth century.

It was the age of corporate power.

A very select few were able to influence the lives of an entire planet.

Despite the trappings of democracy, as individuals, our choices were limited.

Luckily, a new age is dawning...

The twenty-first century belongs to the individual.

We now have the ability to reach a global audience from wherever we happen to be.

That's why your personal brand is so much more than just a strategic asset.

In a world of 7 billion people, it separates you from the herd.

Want to build a powerful personal brand?

Get in the Zone.

Created By
Dennis Lewis

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