Visual and Performing Arts at Whitby Scroll to begin

Step inside our arts building and you'll see creativity come to life in a whole new dimension.

At Whitby, each Upper School student devotes a trimester to music, theater and visual arts, allowing them to fully engage in each area for a couple months at a time.

Within the structure of the International Baccalaureate’s Middle Years Program, teachers work to integrate the arts into other academic disciplines and courses to enhance students’ depth of learning within the scope of the curriculum.

Our Upper School Arts program challenges students with concepts often encountered at a collegiate level.

So what does art mean to us?

Our school’s focus on visual and performing arts extends far beyond the end product. Let's break it down for you:

Performing Arts

Theater at Whitby extends far beyond any chosen performance. When students are immersed in a production, monologues or other theatrical exercises, they are prompted to ask questions and think as their characters would think. Every question is seen as an opportunity to engage in deeper conversations on everything from conflict to camaraderie.

As a result of these meaningful, real-world conversations, students are able to develop more empathy and perspective for their own characters.


Music classes give students the opportunity to explore compositions and rhythms with their classmates. They also gain a sense of confidence and ability to take risks through improvisation exercises on instruments such as ukuleles and xylophones.

Our cocurricular program has a number of courses for students who would like to further their musical knowledge such as individual instrument instruction, chorus, and a variety of band offerings.

Visual Arts

Visual art classes at Whitby extend far beyond any finished piece of artwork. Throughout each unit, students maintain process journals to document their learning journeys.

Students have taken such an interest in art that they are now freely trading in their recess to partake in Art Lunch, and now more than ever students are signing up to participate in our Art Installation class.

From rough sketches to final piece, recording and reflecting on their work over time helps them better understanding themselves as artists and individuals.

Wondering what the best part is? When all of these creative forces combine to make something extraordinary.

Through observation, experimentation, and reflection through the arts, students become empathetic learners and open themselves to take more risks within their own work.
Created By
Sarah Mead

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