Neighborhood Partnerships 2014-2015 Annual report

For 25 years Neighborhood Partnerships has been a tool for increasing opportunity in Oregon. As communities grow and change, so does NP. 2014/15 was a year to celebrate the past, revel in the present and, as always, lean toward the future.

NP emerged as an idea on the back of a napkin. That idea became The Neighborhood Partnership Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation, a mechanism to support Community Development Corporations. Next came asset building with Individual Development Accounts (IDAs). In 2005, NP reorganized and honed in on advocacy leadership for policies that bring safe, decent, affordable homes to Oregonians. A focus on strategic communications emerged from the advocacy work, and now a new branch of leadership development and an Asset Building Coalition are dawning.

The Year at a Glance

The First RE:Conference

On Oct. 29 and 30 more than 300 people gathered for the first RE:Conference at the Salem Convention Center. Our partners connected and exchanged ideas about housing and asset building as well as celebrated the history of NP at a gala dinner. The RE:Conference will serve as an annual gathering to focus and gather partners around key goals for growing Oregon’s prosperity.

Historic Year for Housing Opportunity

Hundreds of advocates gathered 20,000 socks and piled them on the capitol steps to remind legislators of the 20,000 kids who experienced homelessness the year prior. They told harrowing stories of too few homes to rent, too little space at shelters on freezing nights and too many hurdles to jump when faced with foreclosure. Because of those stories and conversations with elected officials 12,000 to 16,000 Oregonians will have new homes. Thousands will get money they need to pay the rent and avoid eviction. Others will stay in affordable homes, be more successful in a foreclosure settlement and more. 2015 was a historic year for housing opportunity.

Oregon IDAs Renewed!

More than 3,500 Oregonians a year will be able to buy a new home, start a business or hire someone, go to school, help their credit, buy a vehicle and more. In 2015 the Oregon IDA Initiative was renewed until 2022 and savings categories were expanded. Neighborhood Partnerships had the pleasure of bringing the passion, intelligence and enthusiasm of the Oregon IDA Initiative network to our state legislators.

Growing for the Future

Thanks to grants from Meyer Memorial Trust, Northwest Area Foundation, Oregon Community Foundation and others, NP grew to a staff of 12. We also continued our coalition-building work. NP is a founding partner of Bank On Oregon, which works to ensure that all Oregonians have access to financial solutions that improve the lives of individuals, families and communities. We also convened the Oregon Asset Building Coalition which helped renew the IDA Initiative and has its gaze set on a state mechanism for Children’s Savings Accounts in 2017.

Results By The Numbers

Housing Opportunity - $60 million for new homes • $2.5 million to preserve affordable homes • $9.75 million for emergency housing assistance • 11 support bills passed

Oregon Individual Development Account (IDA) Initiative - $7.5 million in state funding • 7 new savings categories • 1,600 new savers

2014 RE:Conference - 90% of attendees said the RE:Conference was one of the best conferences of the year

Strategic Communications - Nearly 200 people trained in advocacy and strategic communications to increase housing and financial opportunity.

Partnerships - 2 new coalitions nurtured: Bank On Oregon & Oregon Asset Building Coalition


2014-2015 NP Team

As of June 2015

Board of Directors

Susan Ban • Mike Barr • Bruce Dobbs • Elena Fracchia • Bill Hall • Sybil Hebb • Stephanie Jennings • Roberto Jimènez • Kenny LaPoint • Martha Lyon • Neisha Saxena • Brian Stewart • Charley Thompson


Janet Byrd • Karie Herrlinger • Omar Carrillo Tinajero • Laina Green • Anna Jen • Jessica Junke • Matt Kinshella • Mercy Rossi • Itzel Spehar • Em • Amy Stuczynski • Jill Winsor


Larissa Yoshino

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